Friday, July 21, 2017

An Interview with a Writer: M. Ray Holloway Jr.

Welcome Adventurers! Today I have a special treat for you. I have guest blogger and fellow author M. Ray Holloway Jr. here to talk about his book Let No Word be Spoken.

Tell my adventurers about the world you created.
The planet Darol Tor started out as an idea for a short story, but as I began to build the planet in my mind, it seemed to take on a life of its own. On this planet in a seldom traveled corner of the universe, the God of the universe decided to create a race of only females. In their garden of beginnings, the First Daughter, Urel, was given the warning not to eat from only one tree in the garden. Although she was tempted like the Bible’s Eve, she was faithful to obey God’s command. As a result, God still walks the planet, and there was no need for a personal savior. The women are all telepaths, so everyone is aware of what everyone else is thinking. This prevents any form of criminal behavior, and makes everyone accountable to the group. The book is about a Christian jumpship captain who crash lands on the planet and meets the beautiful alien telepath Loran Evandell, who is assigned to teach him about their world and culture.

Sounds like an interesting premise.

What inspired you to write about this character?
I have read stories and seen shows about telepathic societies where the race speaks in clearly defined words (often English) and it just did not ring true to me. I always figured that a telepathic race would communicate in images instead of words, so when Captain Johns meets Loran, she sends him picture images of what she wants him to know. He has to learn how to get his messages across to her by forming pictures in his mind about some pretty complex issues. Loran and her people were the result of my attempt to show a different take on telepathy.

How long has this character been in your thoughts?
I came up with this idea about four years ago, and started writing the story in mid-2016. After several months, I had a draft that I was pleased with and sent it to my editor for further review. When we finished with the corrections and clarifications, I published it.

What is the one trait you wished you shared with your main character?

Captain Henderson Johns is a member of a faith that most people in the universe have dismissed as no longer relevant – Christianity. He remains strong in his beliefs despite enormous opposition, and that is a trait that I wish that I could embrace. In a society that rejects traditional Christian values, it is more important than ever before that we stand firm in our beliefs.

Adventurers you can find Let No Word be Spoken here on 

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